Cernitin™ pollen extracts are the active ingredients in the worldwide registered products Cernilton® and Cernitol®, belonging to Cernelle without any limitation.
In 1969 Cernilton®, a tablet formulation, was registered by the Japanese health authorities to treat chronic prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome and benign prostate hyperplasia. Cernilton® became a huge success and is today recognised by Japanese doctors as the preferred choice in the treatment of these disorders.
Cernilton® is one of only two pharmaceutical drugs registered worldwide to treat chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome effectively. The product has been sold in Sweden since 1959 as Cernitol®.
One of the world’s most used medicine for benign prostate diseases
With more than 2 billion used daily doses since 1964, Cernilton®/ Cernitol® is one of the preferred medicines worldwide to treat Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) caused by benign prostate diseases. There is a therapeutic and scientific interest in Cernilton® and Cernitol®, verified by the large number of non-clinical pharmacodynamic studies, clinical studies and reviews. These results of the scientific studies are coherent. The observed clinical effects are in accordance with the pharmacodynamic profile, and the clinical studies show efficacy and good tolerability.
The vast majority of scientific clinical publications are based on Cernilton®/Cernitol® manufactured by Cernelle. Pollen based products from other companies on the market, are produced differently and therefore the published documentation should be considered as valid for Cernilton®/Cernitol® only.
Thus, Cernilton® and Cernitol® have a well-established use according to Article 10a of Directive 2001/83/EC as amended by Directive 2004/24/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 31 March 2004 as herbal medicinal products with an excellent level of safety and efficacy.
Cernilton®/Cernitol® are worldwide registered trademarks belonging to AB Cernelle without any limitation.
Cernitin™ pollen extracts
Cernitin™ pollen extracts, were founded and developed in 1953 by Cernelle in Sweden.
Cernitin™ extracts include groups of machine harvested pollens from organically grown, specially selected plants. The Cernitin™ extracts is packed with the nutrients from millions of pollen grains. Each grain contains the richest source of nutrients yet revealed. These pure Cernitin™ extracts are completely free from added preservatives, colour or synthetic chemicals. Cernitin™ extracts are classified as active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
Two active pharmaceutical ingredients

a water soluble and dry extract

a fat soluble and soft extract
Cernelle manufactures two main extracts: Cernitin™ T60, a water soluble and dry extract and Cernitin™ GBX, a fat soluble and soft extract. In line with the high requirement of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), a consistent quality is obtained by strict controls of the pollen raw material as well as the conditions during the extraction and manufacturing process. The Cernitin™ extracts are produced at Cernelle’s unique facilities located in Sweden.
Several clinical as well as preclinical studies constitute the base for the use of Cernitin™ extracts in urological medicine. In addition to pharmacological and clinical effects, these studies also demonstrate a high degree of safety both in animal toxicology and clinical practice. The studies have shown a strong coherence and still today there is a high scientific interest in pollen extracts’ beneficial effects on human health.
The vast majority of scientific publications are based on Cernitin™ extracts manufactured by Cernelle. Since other pollen extracts on the market are produced differently from the Cernitin™ extracts, the published documentation should be considered as valid for Cernitin™ extracts only.
Cernitin™ is a worldwide registered trademark belonging to AB Cernelle without any limitation.
Pharmacological effects
Cernitin™ pollen extracts exhibit a number of pharmacological effects of relevance for treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) caused by benign prostate diseases.
Please observe that the presented pharmacological effects are valid for Cernitin™ extracts manufactured by Cernelle only.
Anti inflammatory effects
- Inhibit prostaglandin and leukotriene biosynthesis from arachidonic acid in vitro. Potency comparable to indomethacin and diclofenac.
- Inhibit interleukin (IL)-1b, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) in the prostate tissue of prostatitis model in rats.
- Inhibit IL-8, IL-12B and IL-18 production in TNF-α stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (hPBMC).
- Inhibit proinflammatory chemokine, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), in the prostate tissue of prostatitis model in rats.
- Increase production of anti-inflammatory IL-10 and TRAIL in TNF-α stimulated hPBMC.
- Regulates IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10 in stimulated prostatic epithelial and stromal cell lines (BPH-1 and WPMY-1).
- Contribute to restoration of cell membrane integrity and minimize damage from arachidonic acid metabolites.
- Inhibit enzyme COX-2 and reduce the production of prostaglands which are known to cause pain during inflammation.
- Lead to recycling the AA to the cell membrane resulting in reduced AA release.
Anti proliferative effects
- Inhibit stromal and epithelial cell line proliferation in vitro.
- Inhibit conversion of testosterone to DHT, through inhibition of 5a-reductase enzyme . This decreases AR/DHT interaction which ultimately leads to decreased proliferation and reduced PSA level.
- Downregulate expression of AR protein and AR regulated PSA protein
- Decrease prostate size in rat models.
Effects on smooth muscles
- Lead to contractile effect on animal bladders in vitro. Relaxing effect on the animal rat urethra in vitro.